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"It is my mission and passion
to match the right person with
the right role and organization."

Keynote Themes

Die Besten für den Vertrieb Valyoubel

The Best for Sales -
Reaching peak customer
performance to become
the champions of tomorrow

The best for sales is essential for the survival of every single employee who works for the organization every day. So how do you win the best of the best? Nilgün Aygen unveils the secret to this question as an expert, entrepreneur, and the author of her award-winning book, "The Best for Sales."

Talente richtig einschätzen - Vortrag

Successful leadership
and management
reverse the

Nevermore than today has it been more crucial to identify and bring together the best of the best in the organization. These are stormy times and only competent captains with a talented crew can defeat the rough sea.


Nilgün Aygen - Autorin 'Die Besten für den Vertrieb'

The Best for Sales - Reaching peak customer performance to become the champions of tomorrow

Undoubtedly, every employee in the organization is essential. However, one thing remains apparent: if the organization cannot market and sell its products and services, its vital financial resources for survival or even better, for growing will dry up.

Efficient recruiting of engaged, committed, and high-turnover sales employees are, therefore, crucial for continuity if an organization aims to reach the top of its market segment in the long term. Nilgün Aygen provides insights on how to increase sales performance the fastest and most effective way, and on how to avoid misplacement and thus fundamentally increase business success. We encourage you to find out more. 


Nilgün Aygen Vortrag - Talente Richtig Einschaetzen

Assess talents accurately -
The right person in the right job. Now!

Nilgün Aygen has been involved in the future of recruiting and assessments for almost three decades. She advises organizations on how their success is primarily driven by the acquisition of the best talent available. Effective recruiting is vital for business. She counsels on developing a smart process for talent management relationship through the right selection criteria and approaches to hiring right-fit employees. Recruiting is not just about finding employees but rather about attracting and inspiring the best talents.

In her keynote, "Assessing Talents Accurately - What Really Matters", Nilgün Aygen shows you what you need to watch out for in the recruiting process and gives insights into which tools can make your life easier to identify the right talent for your organization. Nilgün Aygen is passionate about 'ValYouBel' companies coming together with right-fit 'ValYouBel' employees.


Discover more?

Find out now how you can reinvent your recruiting and achieve sustainable results for your organization